
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Vintage T-shirts

In this tutorial, illustrator Derek Lea reveals how combining both applications photoshop and illustrator can create stunning results. Trends go around in circles, old becomes new, new soon becomes old, and illustration, design and fashion are often at the mercy of the latest trend.

Derek Lea says "In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create your very own traditional American collegiate T-shirt design. And for the ambitious readers among you, I’ll even explain how to transfer your artwork on to a T-shirt. The bulk of the art is created in Illustrator, but as with any successful design, an imported sketch proves to be a very helpful template to work from."

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Friday, February 13, 2009

A Visual Guide To Corel Painter™ 7 Water Color

This document will provide the user with a non-technical description of the various controls in Painter 7 that can be used to adjust the various visual aspects of the Water Color Layer and Brushes.

For Painter 7, the Water Color technology has been substantially updated. Prior to Painter 7, Water Color effects occurred in the “Wet Layer”. This layer was restricted to a single entity, hence it was not possible to create multiple Water Color-savvy layers.
Painter 7’s Water Color implementation represents a complete physical-modeling simulation of an aqueous medium that contains a suspended dye. The brush-applied water/dye combination interacts with the current Paper and absorbs into it. The user can control the wetness and evaporation rate of the paper. The interaction of these physical components visually simulates the spreading, migration, and drying of the waterborne dye.

File size : 1MB
Pages : 26 Pages
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A Visual Guide To Corel Painter™ 7 "Water Color"

This document will provide the user with a non-technical description of the various controls in Painter 7 that can be used to adjust the various visual aspects of the Water Color Layer and Brushes.

For Painter 7, the Water Color technology has been substantially updated. Prior to Painter 7, Water Color effects occurred in the “Wet Layer”. This layer was restricted to a single entity, hence it was not possible to create multiple Water Color-savvy layers.
Painter 7’s Water Color implementation represents a complete physical-modeling simulation of an aqueous medium that contains a suspended dye. The brush-applied water/dye combination interacts with the current Paper and absorbs into it. The user can control the wetness and evaporation rate of the paper. The interaction of these physical components visually simulates the spreading, migration, and drying of the waterborne dye.

File size : 1MB
Pages : 26 Pages
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Installing Ubuntu on a MacBook 13”

free pdf tutorials, tutorial pdf, apple tutorial, macbook tutorialThis tutorial helps you to find the right documentation, when you want to install Ubuntu on a MacBook. Ubuntu is a community developed operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. Whether you use it at home, at school or at work Ubuntu contains all the applications you'll ever need, from word processing and email applications, to web server software and programming tools.

Ubuntu is and always will be free of charge. You do not pay any licensing fees. You can download, use and share Ubuntu with your friends, family, school or business for absolutely nothing.

File size = 1.4MB
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iPhone Application Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to create a simple iPhone application. It is not intended to give complete coverage of all the features available, but rather to introduce some of the technologies and give you a grounding in the fundamentals of the development process.

The goal here is not to create a finely polished application, but to illustrate:

How you create and manage a project using Xcode
The fundamental design patterns and techniques that underlie all iPhone development
The basics of using Interface Builder
How to make your application respond to user input using standard user interface controls

A secondary goal is to point out other documents that you must also read to fully understand the iPhone development tools and techniques.

File size : 1.7MB
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Monday, February 9, 2009

Tyre tutorial

Using 3ds max , this tutorial is about to making tyre.

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HDRIs in 3ds max

This tutorial show you how to use HDRIs in 3ds max by using Vray or Brazil r/s. There are two types of images. Low Dynamic Range Image(LDRI) and High Dynamic Range Image(HDRI).

The first one comprises "normal" bitmaps [like JPEG, TIFF, BMP...], bitmaps which have 8 bits per pixel, with values between 0-255 [in RGB mode]. Which means that there are only 256 levels of luminosity, which doesn't cover by far the range that can be captured by a real camera, with different levels of exposure.
On the other end we find HDRI, whose values can get alot higher then 256. The main feature is that the value of each pixel is proportional with the quantity of light on each pixel. Basically, instead of just storing colors on the screen like normal bitmaps do, the HDR format stores the quantity of light per pixel. Meaning we can have more then 256 levels of luminosity.

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Gimp : Introduction

Introduction tutorial for Gimp the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages.

This tutorial contents : Transform the Image, Save Your Work in the .XCF Format, Adding Layers, Scaling the Size of Layers, Changing Opacity, Clean Up Pasted Images Using Tools, Saving Files in Formats Other Than .XCF.

File size : 1.4MB
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How-To Guide "Loyal Order of Wormwood”

Von Glitschka from Glitschka Studios says "I never know when or where inspiration will come. Most often it's captured initially via a simple doodle. Then at a later point in time I take that doodle and flesh it out into a refined sketch. Once my drawing is exactly the way I like it, I simply scan it in and start building my vector art."

This is the step by step tutorial how to making "Loyal Order of Wormwood.” You can download PDF tutorial, source file and missing step by step tutorial from PDF. Enjoy!

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Creativity Test

Can you create a unique illustrative solution using a limited library of basic shapes? Well that is the challenge put forth by a project called ‘Vormator’ in this simple tutorial.

Using a provided set of basic shapes I have to compile them to create my illustration. The theme is up to me but there are some ground rules such as you cannot edit the shapes or distort them, you however can subtract from them using any of the shapes in the provided set.

File Size : 4.2MB
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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Making Of : Night of the Cat

This is making of 3D scene "Making Of", filled with 2D elements that strongly inspire by tim Burton's "The Night Before Christmas" and "Corps Bride". Made by Christian Mihaescu that show us how the technique behind the scene and how he apply 3D total toon textures.

Christian says : "Blender, Vue Infinite, Poser, Inkscape and Gimp are my main tools. For Night of the Cat I used Blender (a powerful Open Source 3D programme), Gimp (a 2D Open Source program), and Inkscape for vector graphics (also Open Source). The techniques that I’ll explain are not specific to these applications though, and can be adapted to equivalent programs such as Maya and Photoshop.

File Size : 4.7MB
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Photo Fixes

In this tutorial we’re going to show you how to remedy the five most common problems that plague digital photos using Paint Shop Pro. These fixes are so quick and easy, you’ll want to use them on all your photos.

When you complete this tutorial, you’ll be able to:
  • Crop to a standard photo size
  • Fix exposure or lighting problems
  • Remove unwanted parts of photos
  • Retouch or edit portions of a photo
  • Remove Red Eye
File Size : 1MB
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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

photoshop tutorial, illustrator tutorialDoug Alves says "In this tutorial I’m going to share some of the techniques I’ve been using on my projects to create plants and birds. This image was specially created for this tutorial."
Organic details always serve as an inspiration to him.

PDF Size : 3.9MB
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Source Size : 22.2MB
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Make a Wireframe render

This tutorial will teach you how to render a wireframe version of your object in Cinema 4D (C4D). A couple benefits of rendering a wireframe version is that it will help you see if your mesh flows, and it is also a way to showcase polygon use. An added benefit is to use it in artwork for a little something extra in your piece.

File Size : 564KB
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Flying Bird - Rig

This Blender tutorial covers the entire animation process of this little guy, first, creating a simple FK armature or Rig, then assigning the mesh vertices to each bone using the weight painting technique, and last, animating it using non linear animation tools.

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Casino Royale

photoshop tutorialIf you like the movie from the James Bond series - “Casino Royale”, you will know the effect with running and fighting vector figures at the beginning of the movie. It's excellent. Today’s tutorial will be devoted to creation of such an effect in Photoshop.

File Size : 3.1MB

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Gears Of War Rock Creation

This is an advanced tutorial explaining the workflow necessary to create a low poly rock like seen in the huge hit “Gears of War” with a focus on Normal Mapping.

File Size : 832KB

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Making Grass from Particel

Today, Making 3D grass is more simple with 3D software. Blender is one of the software that is able to do so. In addition to easy, the most fun to learn blender is the availability of features for a software that can be obtained free of charge. Absolutely free!
This tutorial is how to make grass from particles in Blender3D. We can produce the natural grass with this simple blender features.

File Size : 896KB

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Monday, February 2, 2009

Revolutionart Magazine issue #16

REVOLUTIONART issue #16 now available! With "Global Crisis" as Theme. Once you have downloaded it, you can distribute it freely to show to the world the power of our revolution!
The objective of REVOLUTIONART is the one to serve as a inspirational source to artists, models, designers, advertisers, photographers, designers and communicators in general who wish to explore new alternatives of expression through graphical samples of design, photo, ads, fashion, music, and general visual arts.

REVOLUTIONART international magazine is a publication delivered in pdf format as a collective sample of the best of the graphics arts, modeling, music, and world tendences.
REVOLUTIONART is free and a new edition is available every two months through

REVOLUTIONART are open to new talents. Everyone is invited to participate. Just follow carefully the guidelines.

Download Issue #16
File Size : 31.5MB

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

3D-typo using Photoshop

Three-dimensional typography is experiencing an ever increasing popularity amongst both designers and their audience. An understandable development as the third dimension introduces new elements and uncharted playgrounds into the wonderful world of typography, combining the aspects of design and communication in an unparalleled fashion. This tutorial guide you through the complete process of recreating the tutorial's cover illustration using Adobe Photoshop. Enjoy!

File Size = 20.8MB

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modeling a car in blender

This tutorial goes over many of the problems and tasks that need to be done in order to make a realistic looking car. Chevy Camaro as my model in this tutorial, however is also written in such a way that you could use it for other types of cars.

When you plan on modeling a car in Blender, or any 3D modeling program, you should find yourself some good reference images. For any reference images or blueprints I highly recommend This site allows user to create reference images on almost every kind of vehicle out there—even ones from Star Wars and Star Trek—so if you have a certain vehicle in mind, that is the site I suggest. I will try to keep this tutorial general enough to work for all cars and possibly any vehicle.

File Size = 9.3MB

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Explosive Typo in Cinema 4D

CINEMA 4D is a popular 3D application amongst matte painters in film largely due to the BodyPaint 3D functionality and is equally popular amongst motion graphics artists thanks to an excellent integration with compositing application pipelines coupled with a very artist-friendly and customizable workflow and interface. In this tutorial we will walk through the steps to create this illustration to bring alive the word "collide." Tutorial by Barton Damer.

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Bamboo with Illustrator

bamboo tutorialOver years Adobe Illustrator has become the standard application when it comes to illustration design. This tutorial will show you how to illustrate Chinese bamboo with Illustrator Symbol Sprayer and Mesh Tool. Illustrator features a variety of tools for creating masses of symbol instances, then spraying on transformations like rotation, scale, and opacity changes.

File Size : 676KB

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How to Draw a Bat, Witch's Hat, and Ghosts in Illustrator

Create original artwork, special effects, and creative designs with adobe illustrator. Adobe Illustrator software is a vector-based computer drawing tool that invites you to explore more innovative ways to design. Now we're gonna draw a bat, a witch's hat, and a ghost. This tutorial made by Sara Froehlich.

File size : 456KB

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Keyboard shortcut for your apps

keyboard shortcutShortcut keys help provide an easier and usually quicker method of navigating and using computer software programs. You can work like a pro with these shortcut guides for all your favourite app.

If you’re still struggling with Photoshop’s myriad of menus or 3DSMAX’s numerous rollouts, then these keyboard shortcut guides will come in handy.

As you begin to work with shortcut keys you will notice that several applications share the same shortcut keys. Bundled into one archive are keyboard shortcuts for Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator CS, Macromedia Freehand, Cinema 4D and 3D Studio Max. Some of these guides were originally written with mac users in mind, so if you’re on a PC, use Ctrl instead of Cmd, and Alt instead of Opt…